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- A Smart Ranch System -


Jeff Camilletti


Dano Lopez


Juan Menendez

Quarterwave logo.png

Faculty Advisor: Professor Farid Farahamand

Industry Advisor: Roberto Medina

Problem Statement

The problem we are exploring addresses ranch managers with large properties. They feel frustrated from physically monitoring water tank levels and gate status and they feel unsettled about not knowing these conditions when they are away from their property. 

Value Proposition

The Open Range Ranch Hand Assistant (ORRHA) helps managers of large properties who want to remotely monitor tank levels and gate status by providing a long-range, power-efficient, and scalable Internet of Things (IoT) system that is interfaced through an internet based Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Marketing Requirements


Engineering Requirements


System Overview


Hardware Block Diagram


Hardware Schematic

Gate Node Firmware Flowchart

Water Tank Node Firmware Flowchart

Printed Circuit Board

Node Housing

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